Jo Robertson
Jo Robertson
Better WorldBetter RelationshipBetter ParentingBetter Sex
Featured on
Seven Sharp
The Project
Your step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing.
While you read this, kids around New Zealand are accidentally stumbling across violent sexual content online.

I’m campaigning for change
I speak internationally on relationships, sexual culture, youth and media influences, and have had the privilege of delivering a TEDx talk titled: Why we need to talk about porn.
Kids Book Recommendation
Knowing which books to read is an overwhelming experience, so I have curated a few favourites for the following topics; Intercourse, Reproduction, Puberty, Online experiences, Self-esteem and Consent
"It's been wildly beneficial for Brent & I, & we have been able to make immediate changes & implement new things.”
Jess, 2023
Your step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing.
Your step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing.
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